logo  Bharat Genome Database Milestones

Bharat Genome Database  

Aug 2023

The idea to build native Indian genomic database to protect & research on Indigenous species       

Data Collection

Sep 2023

Research and data collection started for Bharat Genome Database, aiming to create a comprehensive repository of Indian genomic data.

Development of Bharat Genome Database and Tripal Integration 

Sep 2023 Empowering Science education and training with Tripal

Tripal was choosen to be integrated into our database for secure biological data storage and integration of various modules

One Click Deployer

Nov 2023 Native tool for deploying databases

A Native tool developed for deploying a database with ease was created in house. It helps in deploying databases with a single click

Tools - BLAST, JBrowse 1, Beta Testing

Dec 2023 New tools were added and Beta test startted

Our site deploys BLAST for sequence similarity search, while advanced tools JBrowse 1 tools helps in visualise genomes    

Launch of BGDB.org -  PAG 31


Launch of Bharat Genome Database was done on International confernce PAG 31 at California

Relase of Version 2 -JBrowse 2 released 

April 2024 Version 2 Released with advance tool Like JBrowse 2

Version 2 of our Database was launched now our site deploys JBrowse 2 for advance genomic studies

GFF3, annotations of plant species

April 2024 

The gene annotations of dfferent plant species was added and integrated to both JBrowse1 & JBrowse2