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This project focuses on the development of an installation script that sets up a Biological Database Management System and an accompanying website for use by biologists and bioinformaticians. The script, written in the Bash scripting language and utilizing the Whiptail program for graphical user input, addresses challenges encountered during the setup of our website, BharatGenomeDatabase.org.

Our objective was to streamline the deployment of the system, overcoming compatibility issues such as the selection of multiple PHP versions and various Tripal dependencies. The script not only successfully achieves this goal but also includes provisions for user-configurable parameters, such as the choice of components to install.

Some notable components include Tripal extensions like Tripal Blast and Tripal JBrowse, which are not only installed but also configured with example data. This script serves as a foundational tool that can be expanded in the near future by adding more features, such as the ability to deploy newer bioinformatics tools and support for using other Linux distributions as the base.

Our project underscores the significance of user-friendliness in implementing bioinformatics tools, aiming to provide biologists, particularly those with limited technical expertise, a seamless entry into this emerging era of biological advancement.

Good luck, and I hope you find the tool useful!

How to install

sudo apt update && sudo apt install git -y
git clone https://github.com/shreyas-a-s/oneclick-website-deployer
cd oneclick-website-deployer/
